#off_topic@alleessa_breagha #russian #learning_russian #learn_russian #russian_as_a_foreign_language Hello! 😊 Today's message is for non-Russian guests who may occasionally visit my group. I don't know if there's anybody who doesn't speak Russian here, but at least I hope so :) because I have some special good news for my foreign guests. If Russian is not your native language, but you want to learn it, or if you have friends who want to learn Russian, visit my Russian Learning Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/russianlg/ I created this group specially for foreigners who want to learn Russian, and you'll find some good learning materials there, - links, tips on learning, books, lessons, vocabulary and other interesting things. This group started as a small place for my foreign friends, where they could find and read some Russian learning books, but now it is growing into a big community of Russian Language lovers :) Special thanks to the new members who joined my group recently! 🌷 So I hope my group will be useful both for beginners and those who has already made much progress in Russian. It's a good place to practice Russian, improve your language skills and meet new people from all over the world! I hope you'll like my group and enjoy learning Russian :) До встречи! ;)

Теги других блогов: Russian Learning Russian Learn Russian